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A new year calls for new things, fresh ideas, innovative thoughts, and new beginnings! Australia is a favorite study destination for students worldwide. One of the main concerns for international students is finding the right accommodation.
Studying Archeology in Rio while enjoying locally brewed coffee every day. Interning at a leading media firm amidst the bustle in New York. Being mentored and shaped under the best lawyers in London. Ideating new App concepts with your peers while studying information technology in Perth.
Embarking on a journey from the Philippines to the USA? If so, understanding the cost of living is crucial. This Cost of Living in the USA guide offers insights into housing, from renting in low-cost states to buying in pricier cities, and daily expenses like food and transport. Whether you are moving to a city with the highest or lowest livin...
As we navigate the digital age, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools has brought about a transformative impact across various sectors, and education is no exception. The advent of AI has revolutionized the way students learn, interact, and engage with their educational materials, thereby making their academic journey more streamlined and ...
University of Western Australia merupakan salah satu dari the Group of 8 (8 universitas bergengsi terbaik di Australia). Menempati peringkat ke 91 di top 100 universitas di dunia, jelas terbukti kualitas akademik yang akan kamu terima.
Meneruskan kuliah ke luar negeri tentu membutuhkan persiapan lebih matang daripada kuliah di dalam negeri terutama dalam hal pembiayaan kuliah. Biaya kuliah di luar negeri jauh lebih tinggi daripada kuliah di dalam negeri, apalagi dengan biaya hidup di luar negeri yang tidaklah murah.
University of Adelaide adalah salah satu universitas tertua dan paling bergengsi di Australia. Didirikan pada tahun 1874, universitas ini sangat unggul dalam melakukan penelitian di bidang sains, terbukti melalui hasil penemuan yang berhasil meraih 5 Noble Prize yaitu x-ray crystallography, insulin, penicillin dan Olympic torch.
University of Technology Sydney adalah Universitas yang menduduki peringkat pertama universitas muda dibawah 50 tahun. Meski usianya yang masih tergolong muda, UTS sudah memiliki jumlah murid sebesar 45,000, yang membuat mereka salah satu universitas terbesar di Australia.
Sekolah Manajemen Hotel Internasional Blue Mountains (BMIHMS) di Universitas Torrens, adalah sekolah hotel terkemuka, menduduki peringkat satu sekolah perhotelan di Australia dan Asia Pasifik.
Didirikan pada tahun 1982, Holmesglen Institute adalah salah satu penyedia kursus pelatihan kejuruan terbesar di Victoria, Australia. Di Holmesglen, kamu akan mempelajari sangat banyak ilmu praktikal yang bisa langsung kamu terapkan saat menjalani karirmu di masa depan.
Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, dengan luas perairan lebih besar daripada luas daratan. Banyak dari lautan kita yang belum tereksplorasi yang menjadikan pengetahuan biologi kelautan sangatlah krusial untuk perkembangan negara kita.
Tak sedikit pelajar dari Indonesia yang lebih memilih kuliah di Australia. Alasannya, tidak hanya sebagai negara terdekat dari Indonesia saja, tapi ada beberapa alasan lainnya kenapa banyak warga Indonesia lebih tertarik melanjutkan studi ke Australia.
Berdiri pada tahun 1846, University of Tasmania merupakan Universitas tertua nomor 4 di Australia yang berada di peringkat 350 universitas terbaik di dunia.
Dalam menentukan jurusan kuliah di luar negeri memang harus dipertimbangkan dengan baik agar tidak sampai salah dalam mengambil keputusan. Baik anda mendapatkan beasiswa ataupun biaya sendiri tetaplah tidak boleh sembarangan dalam memilih.
Taking up new roles and drafting a new plan for life is exciting, refreshing, and extremely challenging. We are glad that you have finally decided to begin your study abroad journey.
Road map? Check. Food & Snacks? Check. Travel accessories? Check. But what about the list of places you could visit while studying in the UK The United Kingdom is full of breathtaking places. While studying in the UK, exploring places can be exciting and act as a source of knowledge about their history, culture, businesses, and trade. This Roya...
Wondering what makes studying overseas different and exciting? We’ll tell you all about it!Along with access to better quality education, the whole experience of living in and adjusting to a new place and culture far away from home is absolutely worth your while.
Haven't we been fascinated by urban cities and crystal blue waters when we read our storybooks? Medieval Stone houses, cathedrals, and the traditional English towns are known to us through novels. But how about we see them for real?
If you are thinking about studying in Canada, then you must choose Toronto, the country's largest metropolis. Toronto, located in the English-speaking province of Ontario, is a multicultural and cosmopolitan city that reflects diversity. Toronto, which is ranked 13 in the QS Top Student Cities, welcomes international students from over 160 co...
Students across the world these days are quite passionate about research. Many of them pursue a Ph.D. as they want to learn and research about a particular subject and make significant impressions within that field.
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